Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pocket Tool X Brewzer

So first off I want to say sorry to Pocket Tool X. And here is why, this post should not have taken this long to get up. But life has a way of being, well life. So Sorry guys!

Wow, I feel better now, ON WITH THE POST.

So me being the gadget geek that I am, Uber Gadget Geek that is, I have a soft spot for gadgets of all shapes and sizes. And multi-tools, well they are slowly turning into a collectors thing for me. And I blame my mates over on Which leads me to the
Brewzer, and the guys at Pocket Tool X. Well I got on their Facebook Page and entered a small give away they were holding. Well holy spandex batman I was one of the lucky few to get a Brewzer! They have a few other products so they are worth a look.

So what is this little bite of 154CM Stainless Steel goodness? A bottle opener, a very awesome bottle opener. Yes everyone under the sun has a bottle opener on their key chain, so what makes this one any different? Well it is more then just a novelty item or a single tasker, no this is perfect for the budding college student that is really thirsty. Will it open my favorite bottle beverage? Yep, and it will open up those drinks that are hiding in an aluminum can as well. But those cans must hide in fear as the Brewzer also has the ability to poke open a hole in the bottom for those times when you really (and I mean really) need to drink something fast. But with that being said, you can honestly use the multi-purpose tip for opening packages (like those you get from really awesome vendors like Pocket Tool X) to even using the edge to pry something open/off. You know, like that bottle cap that is implanted on your head after you 'fell asleep at the party'.

So at the end of the day would I say buy it? YES! But that's just me, and well I could be wrong. But hey its 20 bucks, it is small (really small) and it opens bottles BETTER than my Atwood Atwrench. Yes I said better, sorry Peter. Oh and while you are shopping on Pocket Tool X's site, make sure you take a look at the Piranha, it was their first showing of a tool and I think it was done rather well. Oh and Pocket Tool X, if you are so inclined I'd love to 'review' more of your products... I'm just sayin :)

BTW the image is from Pocket Tool X's website, rights, respect, and props are given to them


  1. You didn't say anything about the slick beer bottle shaped hole!

  2. true, but you see it in the pic :)
