Friday, December 31, 2010

Paintball time!!!!!

Ok so I have been into paintball since I was a young teen. But never got to play for one reason or another. Well I'm making the effort to go play again. Which is 2 part. 1 Because I still love the thrill of playing and 2, I need something to help keep my fat @$$ in shape. Which leads me to my additions to my gear.

First off, lets start with my vest. I picked up a lower end vest from GXG. The one I got is their Tactical Vest. Not a bad item for under 40 bucks. Loads of pockets, and almost limitless adjustment. Yeah there are a lot more options out there but they also cost way more. Less then 40 bucks, SOLD! Maybe down the line I will upgrade, but that will be WAY down the line...

Next up, another item from GXG, their Tactical pack. Notice I'm going with a tactical theme? Must be some want to be hard core.... Naw :) But back to the pack. I wanted something nicer and more easy to tote around all my gear in and not be a suite case. Yes I had a suite case for all my gear, I know, sad. But this pack is nice, with loads of room for just about everything I bring along. I have my marker (sweet Tippmann A5 BTW)in the back where you can hide your marker. In side the pack I still have enough room to store my mask, vest and camo. And the outter pockets I have my paint pods and tanks... Like I said, loads of room. And again it was not a bank breaker. This was 50 bucks. So for less then 100 bucks you have 2 items that are rather nice but were not too bad on my wallet.

So yeah there are nicer and better options out there for a gear bag and for a vest, but seriously, those cost a lot more...